r/ffxi 6d ago

Weekly Questions Thread - Week of June 29, 2024


Welcome to the question megathread! If you have any questions around FFXI at all, this is the place to ask. Scroll down to the comments and ask away. Various FFXI resources are provided in the body of this topic directly before the comments.

r/ffxi FAQ

Are you a new or returning player? We have quite the list of Frequently Asked Questions that's pretty comprehensive of the questions most commonly asked around the sub. If your question isn't answered there, feel free to shoot in the comments below.

BG Wiki

BG Wiki is a modern FFXI wiki with up-to-date pages on endgame specifics as well as various guides.

It is currently the only XI wiki with an active staff which are always working with members of the community to address concerns and suggestions. BG seeks to be the main wiki of the community. Consolidating the efforts of everyone into one single wiki is the most productive and effective. We welcome and invite all to join us!

  • A thread can be found on FFXIAH.com in which you can report issues with the wiki and read a getting started FAQ if you wish to contribute! That thread is located here.
  • Anyone wishing to join Team Blue Gartr may join the Discord.


FFXIclopedia is a comprehensive general-purpose wiki for FFXI that typically covers pages for each item/area/BCNM/etc. Note: The site has heavy ads when logged out, due to Wikia (especially on mobile).


FFXIAH is a website showing the Auction House history & current items for sale in-game, as well as a forum community among other things. FFXIDB is a database website showing drop rates of items as well as monster spawns based of player data collected by Guildwork.

Making Friends

There are various ways to make new friends and meet people in FFXI. The first recommendation is to find a Linkshell via Linkshell Concierge NPCs. If you check these NPCs directly after a maintenance, this is typically a good way to find active Linkshells. Another suggestion is to find a community website for your server; many servers have a Facebook group (some are listed on the subreddit sidebar). The subreddit also has a Discord server for chatting/voice.

This thread is default sorted by new. If you have any suggestions regarding the information above, feel free to send the moderators a modmail. Your FFXI questions can be asked below

r/ffxi 8d ago

Official Midsummer's Boon and Bounty Campaign

Thumbnail playonline.com

r/ffxi 6h ago

Just wondering


Are there any singapore ffxi players familiar with using lua/gearswap?

r/ffxi 8h ago

Need help with RoV's CoD (Ragnarok)


Hello! I've recently started playing the game a year or so ago and finally got to the end of RoV. Unfortunately I can't seem to kill the boss in time, I*ve tried several Trust setups but none of them have helped me get below 50%. Would it be possible for anyone to help out? I don't know if this is the right place to ask and if not, could anyone please point me to a group that could potentially help? Thank you for reading!

r/ffxi 5m ago

Looking for endgame LS Asura server


As of shock when i came to Asura, the level of mercs were at a different level, there is so little socializing and stuff, was wondering if there are any endgame LS that are accepting New members.

r/ffxi 22h ago

My first hunt, Leaping Lizzy. Took me a little less than an hour to make it spawn. And no, I didn't get the boots. Why do the boots sell for so much at the auction house?


r/ffxi 1d ago

Guide How to get the new Black Swimsuit


Goto one of the following locations and talk to the Moogle:

North Sandoria (D-8 near exit)

Bastok Markets (G-8 near fountain)

Windurst Waters (f-5 near exit)

After this open map and goto wide scan, find the prince and princess near the bottom of the list and track her and follow her around.

If she says something positive type /yes while targetting her, if she says something negative type /no.

As the couple walks around, female NPC in swimsuits will appear before them. If you see them, walk up behind them and shortly before the prince walks past type /wave at them to get their attention so they don't see the prince. Try not to do this too early or they will turn anyway and see him. If they do see him and the prince walks up and talks to them, type /slap while targetting him to stop him so he goes back to the princess.

Once they have finished the walk she will stop and after she has finished talking, talk to her and she will hand you 2 pieces of a swimsuit or other item.

Which one you get depends on what you already have, it can take between 1 and 4 completions to get the black swimsuit.

May have to rotate cities after you get one.


r/ffxi 22h ago

Pikko's Pota


Post is supposed to be Pikko's Pots

Just wondering if Pikko lurks around here. Absolutely loved their website and gardening tips. Ore farming was one of my favorite things to do.

r/ffxi 1d ago

FPS Won't stay at 60.


Recently started a new character and for some odd reason the FPS won't stay at 60 after talking to an NPC or even after zoning. I constantly have to type //config FrameRateDivisor 1.

r/ffxi 1d ago

Question regarding ARK trusts


So I finally defeated ARK HM. Basically at 10% I got 20yalms away from him and stayed there til he exploded. Wiped everyone but the tank and Cornelia and I just ran in and Savage Bladed.

Traded it in, talked to Jamal, zoned, talked to Jamal, no change.

I’m having difficulty finding the next step or even if there is one. He seems to talk like there is. Any assistance would be appreciated

r/ffxi 1d ago

Question Member Login showing garbled names and not working to log in


i was adding another member to my member list and when i was done all of the member names were random characters and all of them were asking for member passwords, which were never set, before i could even get to the login screen. restarting the program does not work, restarting the computer doesn't work and doing the file check for the POL Viewer and FFXI are both showing no problems. If there is any way to fix this without a full un-install and reinstall it would be much appreciated

r/ffxi 1d ago

Question Just how strong would a maxed out character be now?


Last time I played was 2012 and I see there's been some pretty crazy additions since then in gear and master points and stuff. Just how powerful would a character be with everything maxed out now? Like all master levels and the absolute best gear. There must be some pretty powerful enemies in the game now because it looks like you'd just be able to destroy anything. Are there any crazy weapon combos and such like Joyeuse + KC? I see so many haste and DW bonuses you must just be flying with weapon skills.

For frame of reference, I mostly played THF but also enjoyed messing around with combinations of SAM, WAR, and DNC.

r/ffxi 1d ago

Merit points/Job Points


lol Really simple Question…

All Job points I can understand Having. But does one Really need Max Merit points?

THF 99 NIN 49

I just Got the 1st Version of my Relic that’s good only in Dynamis.

Really need to Get into a Merit/job point grind.

The points in Escha Rua’n are awesome but admittedly a bit slow for me should I go elsewhere?

Thank you in Advance

r/ffxi 1d ago

Question Shantotto 2


As the title says, was wondering if anyone had a timetable when she would be available again? Just came back after 2 years. Just trying to get an idea.

Thank you.

r/ffxi 2d ago

Where are all of the event trusts at?


I'm a newer player so im a bit slow trying to figure out where everything is, I got 2 from conquest and 2 from sparks, did I miss any a friend told me there should be some in the tome but none were there for me.

r/ffxi 2d ago

Coming Back?


Hi Folks,

Looking for some answers and opinions. I got into FFXI back with the NA release. Played on PS2 with hardware that had to be plugged into the back of the PS2. Spent a lot time in the game 75 DRG and SAM, even completed the relic Amano for my SAM. Finished all three nation rank missions through 10.

It was probably around Abbysea that I stopped playing. Looked up my AH activity and it looks like it was in 2010 that I stopped. I have been lurking around this thread and I am floored by the changes I have seen. This has started that itch to come back and it has me thinking if I should try again.

As I have thought about it, I realize that there is no way I could bring myself to start over from the beginning, considering what I did accomplish, biggest thing being finishing the SAM relic. That was so much fun to be able to do my own light SC.

What are your thoughts about trying to revive a character from 2010 and trying to get back into the swing of things. The whole Trust thing seems very enticing but no idea how that would work with a character from 14 years ago.

Any thoughts or opinions? Also my character was Gophish. Started on the Carbuncle server but changed to the Bismarck server around 2008.

Thanks for your thoughts and opinions.

r/ffxi 2d ago

Old character from the 2000s


I used to play this game back in the late 2000s and I’m surprised it’s still going. Curious if it’s possible to get my old character back. I was on the Fenrir server.

Not sure if I’d come back to this time suck of a game but I might if I didn’t have to start from scratch.

r/ffxi 3d ago

Question Is FFXI worth to start playing in 2024?


I'm sure this gets asked a lot, but is it worth it to pick up FFXI for the first time in 2024? I've seen a lot of people say it has the best job system of any FF and that there is a small, yet dedicated fan base. I would likely be playing alone, if that makes any kind of difference. I've also tried FFXIV a few times and it's never really stuck with me (never even finished the base game). Any advice would be much appreciated!

r/ffxi 2d ago

How Social is this Game?


I’m thinking about returning with a fresh character and playing this game in rotation with XIV. I really enjoy the aspect of playing through content (dungeons/overworld grinding) with other people. I’ve heard that the community aspect of this game is long gone, and quite the opposite at the same time. I hear soloing is optional, but others say you MUST from 1-99.

Personally, for me, I like to make new friends who I can call on when I want to do dungeon runs/fight bosses/just to socialize. I feel like I’d get kinda bored playing by myself.

r/ffxi 3d ago

1-119 guide


Does anyone have a pdf of that guide?

r/ffxi 3d ago

I'm going to unlock Dark Knight. I already got the Chaos Bringer and killed 30 mobs with it. I know you only need 100 kills to unlock it, but what's this about doing an extra 100 kills (total of 200 kills) and getting the Deathbringer? Is it worth it going the extra 100 kills?


Also, can I unlock Dark Knight first and go for the extra 100 kills with said job?

r/ffxi 3d ago

they cant just put this here in 14 and expect us not to react


r/ffxi 3d ago

News Celestial Nights new Lockstyle


FFXI’s Celestial Nights added a new Lockstyle skin for those who are interested in that!

I just did the “quest” to get mine!

Happy Celestial Nights everyone!

r/ffxi 3d ago

Question Advice for improving mostly solo Merit / CP grind


I mostly play solo due to time constraints. Not as a fast as doing this in a group, but it is what it is. i'm having fun and that's all that really matters.

After taking THF to 99, all other jobs to 50 and getting RoV to the last battle (haven't attempted it yet because it doesn't sound like I have a chance), I'm starting to grind the merit cap (my primary concern at this point) and capacity points. Mixing in missions and Dynamis Relic drops to keep it from being too mundane. Going to start adding Abyssea, Ambuscade and Domain Invasion into the mix to work on improving gear.

At any rate, the grind is slower than I'd like and looking to improve it:

  • THF/WAR.
  • Bayld i119 gear where possible, then Sparks (mostly accessories and off-hand), cheap (<300,000 gil) crafted gear from AH to fill in the gaps where neither Bayld nor Sparks gear was an option.
  • Usually using Shark Bite with SATA since it is doing the most damage for me currently by quite a bit.
  • Reisenjima at either 1, 4 or 5.
  • Trust: Apururu (UC), Valaineral, Zeid II, Shantotto II and Kupofried (Semih Lafihna if doing missions).
  • Takes probably 30-40 minutes to get from 0 merits to cap (think I'm at 47 or 48).

Reading about it, it sounds like I should be focusing on AoE to speed things up and also playing the role of tank, ditching my Trust tank. With my current setup, I can handle two mobs at a time, but three will most likely be a wipe or extremely close... and I'm squishy AF... evasion is capped, but three 3-5 hits puts me in a critical situation.

Anyway, I'm working on improving my gear. When it comes to my Trust selection, what would be better for better AoE and improving my Merit / CP grind? Pictures of who I have currently.

Seems like I see Joachim and Koru-Moru quite a bit in Reisenjima.

Open to any advice.

r/ffxi 3d ago

Progress/Quest guide


Is there a comprehensive, spoiler free progression guide to the best way for a new player to experience the story of ffxi? If anyone could post a link, that would be awesome! I really like the game, but I’ve been kind of aimless as far as progress goes. I know there is tons of content to explore and I’m feeling equally excited and overwhelmed. I’d prefer to play with a text guide that doesn’t spoil much, but gives directions on who to talk to and where to go to get the story going. So far, I feel like the hours I’ve been putting in are a little lacking in focus.

r/ffxi 3d ago

FFXI Art Assets for a project


Does anyone know where I could find a collection of FFXI sprites, renders, maps - artwork assets in general? Would be for a lil project - thanks!

r/ffxi 3d ago

Asura Gold pass?


Hey all!

Old player here (from the 75 era), looking to get back into things. Can't remember any of my old info, so starting from scratch.

Wondering if any kind soul could hook me up with a gold pass...